Wednesday, September 15, 2010

BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad.

Beck is an American songwriter / singer, but he is not the Beck that I am trying to bring up. The BECK I am talking about is the music manga by Harold Sakuishi.
BECK is about a young boy, Yukio "Koyuki" Tanaka, an average junior high student who becomes interested in   music due to his chance encounter with RyĆ«suke "Ray" Minami, a guitarist. As Koyuki learned more and more about rock music, Koyuki was discovered with a beautiful singing voice that shocked anyone who listened. Ray decided to form a new band with Koyuki, after Ray's band sells out to become a band based on the looks and not the sound of the members. Koyuki entranced by the world of music joins Ray's band and they gather three more members. The band consists of Ray as lead guitarist, Koyuki as rythem guitarist and back up vocals Yoshiyuki Taira as bass, Tsunemi Chiba as main vocals and Koyuki's best friend Yuji "Saku" Sakurai as  drummer. The band is named Mongolian Chop Squad.
There are two stories that stack on each other, the second story is based on the bands road to being discovered and reaching the top of the music world, but the main story is based on Ray's past and the history behind Beck (Ray's weird, patched up dog) and the mysterious Gibson Les Paul by the name Lucille, a guitar with bullet holes on its body. 
This story is intense and filled with so many obstacles that try and prevent the band from reaching anywhere in the music world. The story does not follow the usual "good guys always win" scenario that seems common in many manga, the band goes through a lot of trouble on the road to the top. Sakuishi really shows the underground music scene and the actual issues bands go through on their way to getting discovered. Mongolian Chop squad go through member conflicts and corporate shit listing, but the band keeps working to push through it all.
BECK, is a 34 volume manga and a 26 episode anime, and it is said that in 2010 a live action film based on the original manga is released.
BECK has an intense storyline that really has its moments, at times it will seems slow, but it always seems to snowballs when the story seems the most peaceful. The story has many interesting turns, introducing lots of new characters and revealing more and more of the mysterious past of Ray, Lucille, and Beck.
The characters all have their own dreams that they want to fufill and the members really work to support each other's dreams. At times there are plenty of conflicts when the members disagree with certain issues. At the end of the day the band becomes a family and really become the support that each member needed during their lowest points.
I will post more on BECK when I reread the 34 volumes, watch the 26 episodes, or see the live action. >.<

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